Thursday, October 22, 2009


Random thoughts start.... now.

First off...

I'm a writer. I love writing. I write stories for fun! I have a billion story ideas, most of which I write 2-15 pages of and then stop for a variety of reasons. Sometimes I drive my characters into a ditch that they can't get out of, sometimes I decide the whole idea was stupid, sometimes I suddenly hate the main character, sometimes I just lose the notebook that I was writing in! I still have a bunch of ideas I want to expand on...

There's Makers, one of my old ideas. I've explained it before - there's a "race" of godlike people(Called Makers) that live above every life-bearing planet, deciding what will happen and making it happen. They use a power source called Sols, little floating transparent orbs that look like glowing marbles, to use magic. This magic can let them create paths to walk on, create light, or add to/change their bodies. The humans, or the "Made", are mostly oblivious of the Makers. However, a somewhat small group of them called the Rebels are, well, rebelling against the Makers, saying that they don't have the right to decide what happens.

There's also After Death, I Follow. It's a story about two young women that die, and are made into Death and the Receptionist. They go about reaping souls and getting into fights with Angels. The problem with this story is that I don't have a goal, really... But I really like the idea. I think I wrote 16 pages of this story before losing the notebook...

There's the Half-animal story. It centers around several half-animal people, who are on a journey to save their kind from human aggression. I really like the characters in this story, and I really should continue it... I even like the story line. *Bangs head for not writing more of it* I even know where the notebook is... And it's got to be near 20 pages long.

Then there's the story I'm writing right now, centered around two trolls and a wolf who are trying to make The Eye - the sun, basically - stop roasting the world. It gets more deep, with a mystery and fights... The world is really cool, too. It's made up of four orbs, each of which hold a world - the first is the Jungle, colonized by the trolls, blue-furred humanoid people. Then there's the Plains, colonized by the humans. Third is the Snow Forest, colonized by living snowstorms (that can take on a humanoid shape) called Flurries. The last world is the Sea, colonized by a mysterious race called the Hookjaws. They are sea-serpent like creatures that, as the title hints, have long, hard, hook-shaped horns on their lower jaws. Each orb is linked by a bunch of smaller ones, forming a square. In the center of the square is a giant floating eye which turns on it's axis, letting out heat and light and acting as the sun. Every once in a while it blinks, making everything go dark for a few seconds. Every year it closes and the eye sleeps, causing winter. The story line is, two trolls Son'ya and Raz'an see the eye turn blood red, and it closes for a few days. When it opens again, it's blood red, and it lets out so much heat that it starts to roast the world. They, and their friend Tracker Who's Paws Find Life (a black wolf) have to find out why this happened, and put a stop to it, before the world is roasted.
Oh, and the other races have a bit of a grudge against the trolls now, for reasons unknown...

Obviously, by description length alone, I want to work on this latest story. But the problem is...
My friend can work on a story for years and never really get tired of it, or so it seems. I get tired of my stories in about a month. But, I really really want to publish a story, or -at least- finish one. Unfortunately for me, when I get bored of one story, I just can't continue it. It doesn't work!

How am I going to be a successful author if I can't finish one little story?

I guess I'll find out later. I'm not old enough to be thinking about that, I guess. After all, I'm a beginner author. A noob, you could say.
That was a lot more writing then I thought it was.